





Premier Mindset Program New


Why The Premier Mindset Program?

The Premier Mindset Program was developed by a group of the country’s leading sport psychologists who have consulted with thousands of athletes from the professional, Olympic, collegiate and high school levels. Many other programs offer attractive marketing materials and claim quick fixes, but seldom yield sustainable results. Our program is based on advanced research and best practices in the field of sport psychology, all of which have shown lasting, scientifically-tested, scientifically-proven results. The concepts, strategies and exercises included in the Premier Mindset Program are those most frequently used by our sport psychologists in their individual sessions, giving users a look behind the curtain at the tools and techniques that have optimized the mental game of our athletes for the last decade.

Over 100 pages of interactive text with over 90 minutes of instructional video

6 modules.....

Experts in the field

How you can improve your game - what will it take

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Meet the Team

our experts in the media

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